
For all the men and women out there that think this woman, or any other putting on her makeup everyday is being ‘misleading’ or is guilty of ‘false advertising’, you need to take a step back.

Watch it.

The comments that lead to this video are horrible, both from men and women, scrutinising this woman’s appearance without considering that she is reading your comments. Or do they simply not care? I’d like to hope that most people have more of a conscience than that.

We are all human, regardless of whether we are in the public eye. I know this is old news, but how bad is it that we have to keep reminding each other to show a little respect?

If this was your sister, would you not encourage her to do whatever it takes to make her feel confident and happy in her own skin?

Chances are, she isn’t wearing makeup to impress you; she is probably wearing makeup for herself, in the same way that many women dress for themselves, or for other women, over men. You are not her target market.

If you are unsure whether you should post a comment, the simple test goes like this: If somebody posted it on Your photo or Your social media platform, would it upset or offend You?

Remember that anything you write on social media, negative or positive, has the potential to come back one day to haunt you; in this day and age, even mother dear knows how to screenshot.

Everyone should feel safe enough to post a picture of themselves, as they are, without fear of criticism; makeup or no makeup. I should be able to walk out in public or post a photo of myself to reflect however made-up or natural I feel that day.

Introducing: Jac, pre-exam, make-up free and coping.

Introducing: Jac, Early morning,  pre-exam, make-up free and focused on the intellectual challenge ahead; not my skin-tone.

Introducing Jac; Dropping past the library, on the way to the beach with the dog; happy and make-up/filter-free.

Jac; Dropping past the library, on the way to the beach with my petit-chien; happily make-up/filter-free.

Take it or leave it, I don’t care.

If you don’t have 21,000 Instagram followers and perfect abs, don’t let anyone tell you that’s not good enough.

You are real.

Be yourself. Everyone else is already taken. – Oscar Wilde

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